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Hayes is a big brother, a grandson, a nephew, and so much more. This year Hayes turned eight! He started third grade right on time and is excited to learn as much as possible! Hayes continues to amaze us and everyone he meets with his tenacity and silliness. Hayes is just like every other 8-year-old that you know.

But Hayes’ physical abilities are debilitated by spinal muscular atrophy. When he was born, he was perfectly normal, but started regressing at one year old. A genetic blood test revealed positive for SMA Type II. When Hayes was diagnosed, in May 2015, there was no treatment available for any physician to offer and no cure.

But there was hope because of Cure SMA. Because of the work Cure SMA does to fund research and find a cure, there are now three FDA approved treatments for SMA, Spinraza, Zolgensma, and Evrysdi. Hayes has been on Spinraza since March 2018 and has shown no regression!

There’s great reason for hope, but Cure SMA's work is not done. Thanks to the dedication of its community, the generosity of its supporters, and the ingenuity of Cure SMA's research partners, they have reached a new phase in their mission to develop a treatment and cure for SMA. Now, more than ever, we stand ready to shape a future that will change lives and give new hope to all those who are affected by SMA, and we can’t do it without you. Please support us today by joining us at our 7th annual event or by making a donation to Cure SMA.


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